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Crossposting these discussions is not allowed.Discussions related to Granblue Fantasy Relink: /r/GranblueFantasyRelink.Discussions related to Granblue Fantasy Versus or Rising: /r/GranblueFantasyVersus.When these games are released, reviews will not be allowed. Official media from Cygames Youtube and Twitter accounts, or journalistic content from respected sources is allowed if they are flared for the respective game.Any discussion threads about the games should be posted to their own subreddits. News and announcements from official outlets related to spinoff games are allowed with the correct flair.Event Discussion Thread: To discuss current event.Progress and Achievement Thread: To share your goals and progress, and to boast of your accomplishments.Salt Thread: To brag/rant about your good/bad luck.Friends and Crew Recruitment Thread: To recruit members to your crew, to search for crew to join, or to find friends.If you have an issue with another user's personal opinions, beliefs, values, etc., send a private message instead. Arguments about topics within the game is OK, but they may not escalate beyond the scope of the game.Do not engage in arguments irrelevant to Granblue Fantasy.Please ask questions in the Questions Thread. Welcome! Please read the following before posting.