However, The third list is culture-specific. Remember that this category categorizes the best skin overlays without any cultural definition. Without further ado, let us get into our first category.

Though this artist has tried to make his/hers creation like he/she sees it and that is all that matters. Am sure creators of looks here will satisfy your need for a certain look and skin. Main thing is what kind of personality people have and behaviour, not nationality and looks, at least this is the way I look upon people. I cannot understand why as for me a beautiful darker skin than my white skin is ten times more attractive to look at, or at least I think so.

My friend in Tunis tell about how much value some brides gets if skin genetically looks lighter than other girls and I have read likewise stories from many countries. From Japanese and Korean lighter skin to India and Pakistans darker skin. I understand what you mean with the not so asian eyes for instance but skin in Asia varies. Now, as and adult I embrace my short height, chubby and big boned body as okay. Compared to other more elegant people in for instance Africa and Asia, I have often looked in the mirror and sighed growing up. We, in my country are not very elegant, often chubby and big-boned. Remember, what we call Africa today was the crib of the human species and when people whom were nomadic became many, they started to explore different parts of the world, thus the nature made the eskimoes with very small eylids to avoid the intense sun and likewise noses, due to the harsh temperature and where the heath were intence, the noses was formed to take in more oxygene et cetera.

Asia is a vast area of the world AriTak95 with many different faces and skintypes, from those skins that handle the sun well to those not so fortunate.